Monday, October 18, 2021

Rising from the Dead

Download Links Fixed

Back in July Google decided to break all the file links on the Downloads Page.  Gee, thanks, Google.  I believe I have updated them all such that they are now accessible to everyone again.

 Chances are there are other links in blog posts that are also broken and I'll fix them as I find them.

Where Have I Been?

Mostly I just haven't been doing any gaming for the last couple years.  Some of this is pandemic-related but it's also because I live hours away from my old gaming group and getting together for gaming became very much a hassle.  Some of you may know that I have been involved with the Virtual TableTop application MapTool for years and my group used it extensively for in-person gaming.  We tried running several game sessions over the net with MapTool but because of issues with the poor quality of the internet connection at my house they didn't go so well.  Hope to try again in the not-to-distant future as our internet connection did receive a bit of an upgrade and may be workable now.

What's Next?

If I do start gaming again and running fantasy it will almost certainly be with DragonQuest which will probably lead to me writing more articles about it.  We'll see what happens.

A new RPG called The Well by Peter Schaefer popped up a while back and it has a what I think is a fascinating premise and setting.  Been waffling on trying to run it as is or use it as a setting for a modified DQ campaign.  Check it out if you get a chance: